Crime Watch / Extended Neighborhood Patrols

The Greenland Hills Crime Watch program helps keep this neighborhood safe by coordinating Extended Neighborhood Patrols by off-duty Dallas police officers and networking with the neighborhood to make everyone aware of criminal and suspicious activity. We aim to facilitate an active, close community of neighbors who know each other and have an interest in keeping the neighborhood friendly and crime-free.

The Dallas Police Department's Central Division, which includes Greenland Hills, has one of the lowest crime rates in the city, and neighbors want to keep it that way. 

To maximize the number of hours the GH ENP spends on the streets of Greenland Hills, a strong Crime Watch membership is needed. One annual household Crime Watch membership is $225. 100% of the Crime Watch membership dues fund extended neighborhood patrol hours and the dedicated resources for the program (including the ENP phone line and patrol car).

Each new membership makes a substantial impact.

Please think seriously and conscientiously about becoming a member, supporting our neighborhood Crime Watch, and helping maintain one of the best Crime Watch organizations in the city. 

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2025 Membership Drive is going on NOW through March 31st. JOIN TODAY!
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