Be sure to check back as events may be added. GHNA members receive an update in their GHNA member email.
This is the annual meeting for the GHNA volunteers who serve as captains of their block.
Block Captains, check for the invite in your email. Make sure to RSVP!
Thank you, Pizzeria Testa, for partnering with us to host our annual meeting!
Doors will open at 6:45 pm. Come early to meet neighbors. Then, stay to hear the news about our neighborhood and learn about upcoming events.
Details to come on this year’s Guest Speaker.
Save the Date for the upcoming Block Party for Greenland Hills. Join the GHNA and Crime Watch Committee in this annual community-building event connecting neighbors with our local first responders for food, music and more.
Block location and party details forthcoming. Watch for your Buzz newsletter on your doorstep for complete details.