Make an investment in your neighborhood. Become a member of the Greenland Hills Neighborhood Association, the Greenland Hills Crime Watch/ENP Program, or BOTH! Tap each button below to add to your cart.
The annual budgets of each the GHNA and the Crime Watch patrol schedule depends on membership participation. Mid-year dues are not prorated. Dues payments made at any time are appreciated as they increase the respective budgets.
Annual memberships are paid through December.
Thank you for doing your part as a Greenland Hills neighbor!
Membership to the GHNA
Price : $30
Member Benefits Include:
- Member exclusive emails, including informative communications of public events and projects that impact Greenland Hills.
- Member events such as "Visit with Santa" and the Members-Only general assembly meeting in the spring.
Membership to the Greenland Hills Crime Watch/ENP Program
Price : $225
Member Benefits Include:
- Home monitoring – regular patrols & visits to your home while out of town.
- Dedicated regular patrols by off-duty Dallas Police Department officers.
- Targeted patrols to eliminate recent, identified crime trends.
- Email alerts to members about recent crimes, watches & warnings.
Contribute to Neighborhood Improvements
Price : $15.00
Neighbors are invited to contribute to Greenland Hills Neighborhood Improvements. On-going projects include vintage lamp post maintenance, purchases of "established in 1923" signage, and other neighborhood demarcation projects. (Funds deemed excess may be periodically redirected to other neighborhood needs at the discretion of the GHNA Board of Directors.)