Poinsettia Pre-Orders

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Greenland Hills, we are super lucky to have our grower from Arkansas partnering with us again! We will be offering 6-inch pots of red poinsettias available at $15 a pot (+ tax), or 3 for $36 (+ tax).

Each pot is 13-15 inches tall, contains 4-5 blooms and comes foil-wrapped!

Delivery to Greenland Hills is anticipated the first weekend of December. GHNA volunteers will deliver to your doorstep!

Orders for this year’s poinsettias will be taken through Tuesday, November 28th or until we sell out – whichever comes first!

Proceeds from this year’s poinsettia sales support extra Extended Neighborhood Patrol hours during the month of December!

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Buy 1 for $15, Buy 3 for $36